Dracula The Path of the Dragon Episode 2 – The Myth of the Vampire

Dracula%2BThe%2BPath%2Bof%2Bthe%2BDragon%2BEpisode%2B2%2B %2BThe%2BMyth%2Bof%2Bthe%2BVampire%2B%255BFINAL%255Da Dracula The Path of the Dragon Episode 2   The Myth of the Vampire
Dracula The Path of the Dragon Episode 2 – The Myth of the Vampire (ACTION/ADVENTURE) [FINAL]

Back from Budapest, Father Arno continues his investigation. He meets Professor Kruger, a former colleague of Martha Calugarul, and Maria, who now replaces Martha at the dispensary. Father Arno receives new clues but is no closer to solving the mystery. Later, Stephan Luca, the journalist who discussed vampires with Father Arno, is found dead in his room at the inn. It is now obvious that dark forces are at work.

As those events are linked to his arrival in town, Father Arno’s presence is no longer welcome by the local townspeople. Continuing his mission, Father Arno decides to follow the mysterious “Path of the Dragon”, which leads him to Turkey. After investigating in old Turkish prisons, Father Arno understands in his dreams that he has accomplished the first trials. He is on “the Path”. Back in Vladoviste, Father Arno meets Irina Boczow to explain his projects. Conscious that “the Path of the Dragon” is very risky, Irina asks Father Arno to come and meet her again in Budapest to help him prepare this tough task. But when he arrives, Father Arno discovers Irina’s dead body…
Dracula%2BThe%2BPath%2Bof%2Bthe%2BDragon%2BEpisode%2B2%2B %2BThe%2BMyth%2Bof%2Bthe%2BVampire%2B%255BFINAL%255Dd Dracula The Path of the Dragon Episode 2   The Myth of the Vampire

Thanks to Lively




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